Masonic Lodges in Devonport 1902

The following is a list of Masonic Lodges in the town of Devonport in 1902, with some member names and Lodge addresses. This information was transcribed from the Devonport section of 'Kellys Directory of Devon 1902'.


  • Friendship (202) E. J. Knight, sec; Masonic Hall, Granby Street; 4th thurs
  • Fidelity (230) W.V. Harris, sec; Ebrington Masonic Hall; 1st & 3rd thurs
  • St. Aubyn (954) J.F. Moore, sec; Masonic Hall, Moon Street, Morice Town; 2nd & 4th tues
  • Huyshe (1,099) W. Amos Staton, sec; Masonic Hall, Home Park, Stoke; 2nd thurs
  • Elms (1,212) Jos. Bassett, sec; Masonic hall, Home Park, Stoke; 3rd wed


  • Friendship (202) H. Holman, scribe E; 2nd thurs, February, May, August & November
  • Fidelity (230) ) A.W. Rowe, scribe E; 4th fri. February, May, August & November
  • St. Aubyn (954) J. Allen, scribe E; 3rd mon. January, April, July & October
  • Elms-Huyshe (1,099) John Allen, scribe E; 4th thurs. January, April, July & October

Mark Lodges

  • Friendship (16) E. J. Knight, sec; Granby Street; 2nd thurs. January, March, April, June, July, September, October & December
  • St Aubyn (64) J. Smale, sec; Masonic Hall, Moon Street, Morice Town; 4th mon. each month
  • Fidelity-Huyshe (91) A. Maddock, sec; 2nd wed. January & alternate months

(page added 19 July 2011)