Barrack Street
A Cobbled Lane
Barrack Street came into existence in the late 1700s; it is one of the few remaining streets in Devonport containing
the original cobbles, including the dartmoor granite on the kerb and pavement edges. Any street in Devonport lucky enough
to have retained some original cobbles have either been relaid and remixed with newer modern
cobbles, such as Cornwall Street, or have just a few remaining at one end of the
street, such as the section of lane preserved at the corner of St Stephen Street, and this one in Barrack Street.
Barrack Street is today a short lane (truncated since WWII) entered from the west in Chapel Street.
There is no exit at the eastern end as there stands one of Devonport's historic
walls, rather, a remaining portion of it - this is 'The King's Inner boundary Wall'
built by the Duke of Richmond c1787.
Photo 1, at 2003: The Manor Office viewed from Chapel Street, prior to it being redeveloped.
The cobbled lane disappearing off to the right is Barrack Street. The King's Inner
Boundary wall is visible.
Photo 2, at 2003: Looking back out to Chapel Street while standing at the eastern
end of Barrack Street, with my back to the historic wall. The Manor Office, as it
was then, is the building to the right. The dockyard buildings ahead, behind the
Chapel Street Wall, were demolished after 2007 when the wall started being dismantled.
The empty space at left was once the car park of The Brown Bear, (the Chapel Street public house that was demolished due to Arson on 22 October 2005 )
and which currently (at 2012) has planning permission
applied for, to build premises facing Chapel Street.
The Manor Office
This website has a separate page for the
Manor Office,
but brieflly ...
The Manor Office is Grade II listed by English Heritage.
The building was orginally the offices of Stoke Damerel's/Devonport's Lord of the Manor, where rents were paid and business in the town taken care of, hence the name Manor Office, or locally sometimes referred to as the Manor House.
In 2001 the property was sold to a developer who, between 2005-2008 redeveloped the building from office use into residential homes. The main entrance into the new properties is via Barrack Street.
Barrack Street Pre WWII
Barrack Street was once much longer than the present short strip - it reached
as far west as the Market, but that end of the street was destroyed by WWII bombs.
Plymouth Record Office contains several items relating to pre-war Barrack Street:
some of their references are below ... (but please attend the record Ofice for fuller information)
Reference Number PCC/60/1/355
- Title Plan, rebuilding of dwelling house, Barrack Street
- Date 25 Mar 1896
- Description: Plan showing ground plan, first floor plan, second floor plan, elevation
and side elevation in lane. Architect: Manor Office. Owner: Mr Fredman. Approved, 26 Mar 1896
Reference PCC/60/1/624
- Plans, alterations to dwelling house, 4 Barrack Street
- 26 Oct 1899
- Plan showing transverse section of attics. Plan showing elevation as at present,
elevation as proposed, second floor plan as at present, second floor plan as proposed,
attic plan, transverse section as at present and transverse section as proposed.
Notice of intention to build, 26 Oct 1899. Architect: Henry George Luff. Owner:
Richard Heard, butcher. Approved, 30 Oct 1899
Reference PCC/60/1/1287
- Plan, rebuilding of dwelling house, 7 Barrack Street
- 26 Mar 1914
- Plan showing ground floor plan, first floor plan, second floor plan, section A-A,
elevation, premises as existing and section. Also shows block plan showing barrack
Street, Cumberland Street, Cross Street, South Street, Mill Street and St Aubyn
Street. Notice of Intention to Build, 26 Mar 1914. Architect: Charles Cheverton.
Owner: John Henry Hoskin
Reference PCC/60/1/1103
- Plans, The Butchers Arms, Barrack Street
- May-Jun 1908
- Plan showing ground floor plan, first floor plan and second floor plan, 27 May 1908.
Plan showing front elevation, section and back elevation, 17 Jun 1908. Plan showing
first floor, second floor and block plan of site showing Cross Street [now Raglan
Road], barrack Street and Cumberland Street, 18 Jun 1908. Notice of intention to
build, 25 Jun 1908. Architect: Charles Cheverton. Owner: Captain Knowling of 'The
Eagle Brewery'. Application approved, 13 Jun 1908.
Reference PCC/60/1/16427
- Reconstruction of combined shop and dwelling premises at 1, Barrack Street
- 1949
- Named owners: The Executors of M Roseman, deceased.
Reference 387/313
- Devonport, 10 Barrack Street
- 1889-1890
Reference 387/314
- Devonport, 11 Barrack Street
- 1909
Barrack Street Post 2000
Photo 3: A 2003 view of Barrack Street, showing the old rear entrance to the Manor Office, since altered by redevelopment.
The height of the historic wall is more apparent in this photo.
Photo 4 above: Another 2003 view of Barrack Street, showing the Manor Office prior to redevelopment, whilst image 5 below is
the same view in 2005, during redevelopment.
Now, at 2012, the only residential properties in Barrack Street are those contained within the
Manor Office plot. There are 16 homes, all built betwwen 2005-2008, all sharing the same courtyard space, where
residents park their cars - as visible in the next two images.

See the
Manor Office
page for further views of the redeveloped building.
The following, whilst not full and complete, does give an indication of property values
in Barrack Street in the period 2007-2012.
Purchase Prices:
1 Barrack Street - Terrace
- 2008 May 2nd. sold for £175,000 [1]
- 2012 January. According to Zoopla, the price dropped (as per price drop generally,
due to the UK financial situation between 2008-2012), from it's £175,000
price when new to a new estimated value of £162,814 (rental value £728 per month)
- 2012 February. The price dropped in one month, reflecting the UK generally, new estimate of £154,142 (yet the monthly rental value increased in the same month to £745). [1]
3 barrack st - 3 bed Terrace
- 2007 november 14. sold for £173,500 [2a]
- 2010 January 27. listed for sale at ££169,950 [2b]
- 2011 March 25. sold for £161,500 [2a]
- 2012 February. the price continues to drop each year - currently valued by Zoopla at £159,102 (or £770 per month rental). Note if you click the same link [2c] in future years the prices will probably show different again
7 Barrack Street -Terrace
- 2007 April 20. sold for £184,500
- 2012 January. zoopla estimate of £166,292 (rental at £744 month)
9 Barrack Street - Flat
- 2007 March 9th. sold for £146,500
11 Barrack Street - 3 bed Terrace
- 2007 August 31. sold for £210,000
- 2012 January. new value at £276,957 (monthly rental value £1,239)
15 Barrack Street - 3 bed Terrace
- 2008 May 2nd. sold for £210,000
- 2009 November 09. listed for sale at £217,000
- 2012 January. values estimated by Zoopla as £197,178 purchase, and £882 monthly rental
17 Barrack Street - Terrace
- 2008 June 03. sold for £245,000
[1] February 2012 values by Zoopla
[2b] zoopla
[2c] zoopla
All property prices are available from Zoopla at
(page added February 2012)