
Chapter 5 - The Plans

Ch. 5 Contents
Delivering the Themes
Theme 1: Breaking the Poverty cycle
Theme 2: Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Theme 3: Creating A Healthy And Safe Environment
Theme 4: Community Involvement
Theme 5. Promoting Devonport's Young People

Delivering the themes - Key Activities


In this section of the Delivery Plan we set out the main activities the Partnership believe are necessary to deliver our strategy. Each of the five strategic themes has been broken down into its key components to identify the main direction of activities needed and the range of projects we will deliver. These key activities will be summarised in terms of the ten year, three year and twelve month periods as set out in Appendices C, D & E. It is also crucial to success that the start of the programme is clearly planned to maximise impact, and we have detailed the activities planned for the first 3 months at the end of this chapter.

All of the Theme elements are designed to add value by:-
- Developing coordination and integration of existing resources
- Increasing local accountability and community engagement
- Improving the quality, efficiency and output of actions through innovation and coherence

For each theme there is a sub-set of outcomes, which will help the Partnership ensure progress against key activities, and a summary of the resource implications. These supporting outcomes are:

Supporting Outcomes

S01 To increase the numbers of pupils obtaining five GCSE's at Grades A-C at schools in the area to within two thirds of the national average
S02 To increase the number of schoolleavers entering Further Education to the national average
S03 To increase the proportion of the adult population with recognised qualifications to the national average
S04 To increase the levels of local self employment to within two-thirds of the Plymouth average
S05 To reduce unemployment to the Plymouth City average
S06 To increase the level of business floor-space by 25%
S07 To double the availability of larger housing units(4 bedded or above) to rent and buy
S08 To reduce the perception of litter and dumping being 'serious problems' to below the Plymouth level.
S09 To increase the provision of dental surgeries within easy access
S010 To increase the provision of health promotion services within Devonport;
S011 To double the provision of family support services.

Theme 1: Breaking the Poverty Cycle

Key Activity Area 1: Strengthening Learning Networks
This area of activity groups 3 elements: building basic skills, extra-curriculum learning and access to education and training. The drive for better performance within the schools requires an approach which is able to combine new approaches in curricular activity, driven by Plymouth City Council and the work of the Education Action Zone, to provide additional extra-curricular activity. Our approach will be designed specifically to enhance and strengthen learning networks in Devonport by engaging families and parents in non- traditional learning environments and styles, providing additional resources and facilitating new approaches to learning. The use of ICT applications is seen as particularly important in this respect and will build on the existing ICT learning projects already being developed in the area. New learning opportunities will be linked to "reward" and incentive programmes and set within a range of social and leisure environments that provide alternative methods of engaging pupils, parents and families.

Our strategy recognises the need to raise basic skill levels within the adult population, if improvements are to be made in securing and sustaining employment opportunities for local people. This will include literacy and numeracy as well as vocational and community skills. Basic skills building will link to practical developments such as those provided by the Urban Village proposals and our proposed extension of intermediate labour market projects. Basic skills proposals will also link closely to the existing New Deal provision and proposals from the Plymouth Employment Service to extend participation locally.

To remove real and perceived barriers to training, concerted action will be needed to ensure that effective access to mainstream training and education for adults is available. We will look at how pathways planning and careers guidance for individuals can be better co-ordinated. Ph ysical access to education and training outside of Devonport will also be examined together with potential links to community transport initiatives, where existing public transport arrangements are unsatisfactory. We will also explore the potential to bring a greater degree of local education and training directly to the area through partnership with a locally sited Further Education College and TEC.

Key Activity Area 1: Strengthening Learning Networks

Key Outcomes it will help deliver: KO1 KO2
Supporting Outcomes it will help deliver: SO1, SO2, SO3

10 Year Overview:
.Engaging families in learning
.Increasing ICT use
.New Opportunities for Learning
.Raising Basic Skills
.Links to and extension of El and EAZ Programmes
.Stresses partnership to raise education levels and hence employability
Funding: NDC £3.5m Other: £3.5m

3 Year Look Forward:
.Learning Together (parents/children) from year 1 shows results by year 3.
.Basic Skills Course begins year 2.
.ICT programme begins year 2.
.School attendance levels improve
Funding: NDC £858k Other: £925k

In the First Year:
.Learning Together (2 projects) begin
.Education Support (Nurture Group) begins
.Rollout of Homework Resources (Quick Win) Project in 02.
.Exciting Science Garden Project begins 02.
.Development of detailed later years programme.
Funding: NDC £208k

Key Activity Area 2: Supporting People into Work
Devonport exhibits a cluster of social and environmental conditions which continue to prevent, or provide a barrier to, adults participating in education, training and employment. Childcare provision within Devonport is oversubscribed and there is also a high degree of dependence on carers. Both require a more co-ordinated response, an increase in availability and improvements in service provision. At the same time, both provide opportunities for locally based emplovment and a areater role for an organised communitv

Key Activity Area 2: Supporting People into Work

Key Outcomes KO2
Supporting Outcomes it will help deliver: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4

10 Year Overview:
. Lifting barriers to education and training
. Develop employment childcare issues
. Implement strategy
. Develop care support
Funding NDC £1m Other: £3.5m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Begin parenting skills initiatives
. Develop existing childcare provision
. Further develop childcare strategy
Funding: NDC £204k Other £450k

In the First Year:
. Employ co-ordinator to develop strategy
. Develop business plan for Guildhall childcare facility
Funding: NDC £24k

Key Activity Area 3: Tackling Poverty
Financial management of benefits and debt also provide ever-present barriers to e ducation, training and employment. Within the programme consideration will be given to how benefits and debt management advice can be better co-ordinated and access to that advice improved. The potential for the alternativeprovision of financial services through local credit union arrangements, affordable insurance and access to bank accounts will also be explored. The co-ordination and extension of existing advice and advocacy services, included in a holistic anti-poverty strategy, will be a central element of this area of our activity.

Key Activity Area 3: Tackling Poverty

Key Outcomes KO1, KO2, KO6
Supporting Outcomes: SO5, SO11

10 Year Overview:
. Develop and implement Anti-Poverty Strategy
. Improve debt levels and debt management arrangements
. Provide banking facilities, including Credit Unions
Funding: NDC £2m Other £5m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Co-ordinating existing provision
. Develop strategy
. Begin implementation
. Provide training packages for service providers
. Link to One Stop Shop approach
Funding NDC £212k Other £450k

In the First Year:
. Support and develop Credit Union 'Quick Win',
. Begin formulating anti-poverty strategy
Funding NDC £8k

Key Activity Area 4: Routes into Employment
Routes into Employment combines activities that will help increase the level of economic activity within Devonport, including the development of alternative employment sources, expanding social enterprises, streamlining links into jobs, supporting and encouraging business enterprise and self-employment with the development of local sites to support that entrepreneurship.

Developing the Social Economy -To increase the provision of local jobs for local people and to provide assistance to those who are furthest away from being able to compete effectively in the local labour market there is a need to provide alternative employment sources and in supportive environments. The development of new neighbourhood management arrangements and expanded service delivery arrangements outlined earlier in our Social and Environmental Support section presents substantial opportunities for social enterprise. Importantly these can be developed with sustainable revenue streams on the basis of local service level agreements. Social enterprises provide not only direct real employment for local people but also an opportunity for intermediate labour market activity and a stepping stone to participation in the open labour market. Our programme will explore opportunities for the development of sustainable social enterprises ranging from childcare provision and care services to housing maintenance and improving the local environment. The programme will need to work very closely with mainstream service providers to build capacity, responsiveness and quality into locally-based provision.

Job link and labour market entry -Joblink and job brokerage services are important services in locating and converting training and employment opportunities for local people. The programme presents an opportunity to develop these services in a co-ordinated manner which avoids duplication of services to employers and is able to provide targeted services for local people. Consideration will be given to the potential branding of job link and job brokerage services and to providing increased support for both the individual and the employer.

Support for Enterprise -As part of Devonport's long-term regeneration will be dependent on creating a culture of entrepreneurship, encouraging people to consider self-employment and new business options rather than simply paid employment. With low incomes and poor basic skills Devonport has a poor record of self-employment and a range of developmental measures are needed to support long-term change. The programme will look particularly at the development of youth enterprise options, within and outside the education system, to provide both practical and aspirational support.

Social, community and individual enterprise will require developmental approaches using tools such as ideas workshops, training and detailed business planning. Ensuring that support is available from the mainstream Small Business Service Provision is key. Given financial circumstances in the area much of the community will require access to flexible, patient forms of capital and investment support. Our programme will explore the extent to which regional and national provision can be harnessed to support Devonport and will seek to enhance or develop that provision to best suit local circumstances.

The development of increased entrepreneurial activity, and a desire to capture a higher level of mobile investment locally, will require the availability of employment land and a range of rented workspace, managed workspace and community workshops. Our strategy will work alongside the Urban Village proposals to develop a phased programme of employment land and local workspace development. Much of the land identified for managed workspace, light industrial units and community use lies within South Yard. Major funding will be required for conversion of these buildings. NDC money will, we hope, be used to enhance funding from the South West Regional Development Agency and the European Regional Development Fund to bring about major refurbishment. A series of historically important buildings both inside and outside the Dockyard are of prime importance to the community. These include: -

. the Guildhall
. the Old Library
. the Devonport Market building

To bring these listed, historic buildings back into full, productive use will also require extensive funding. Whenever possible this will be done in partnership with the private sector and alongside the support of English Partnerships and the Development Agency for the South West of England.

Key Activity Area 4: Routes into Employment

Key Outcomes: KO2
Supporting Outcomes: S03, S04, S05, SOB

10 Year Overview:
. Develop Social Enterprises
. Co-Ordinate Job-link and Brokerage Services
. Increase Entrepreneurship
. Develop sustainable 'Flagship' boatbuilding project as Centrepiece
. Increase Workspace availability
. Develop Local Labour links to Dockyard and Neighbourhood Management.
Funding NDC £6m Other £19m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Continued development of 'Flagship' Project
. Repair and Maintenance Training, linked to Neighbourhood Management begins Y
. Continuation of ILM Programme
. Local Labour in Construction, linked to Urban Village, begins Y3.
Funding NDC £1.735m Other £3.4m

In the First Year:
. Boatbuilding Feasibility Studies from 01
. Continuation and expansion of Ouick-Win 'Devonport Steps Forward' ILM Project
. Inception of Enterprise Support Strategy 02.
Funding NDC £255k

Theme 2: Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods

Key Activity Area 5: Environmental Works and Public Spaces
Key Activity Area 6: Housing Additionality

NDC is important to: -
. Create a comprehensive mixed-use regeneration project linking housing, employment and an improved environment
. Maximise opportunities for local people, such as to train and build on housing sites. Funding will be required to administer such training schemes and pay both trainees and contractors to provide local, tailor-made training schemes.

As part of an NDC "added value" approach, items such as energy efficiency and environmental art can be included in projects. This approach will help ensure that the Urban Village programme can be enhanced to meet residents quality of life aspirations and, importantly, contribute to abroad range of our NDC objectives on local training and employment. Options for tenant management and ownership are central to achieving the Partnerships' long term goals.

Key Activity Area 5 - Environmental Works and Public Spaces
Key Activity Area 6 - Housing Additionality

KeyOutcomes KO2, KO3, KO6, KOl, KO8, KO9, KO10
Supporting Outcomes: SO3, SO5, SOl

10 Year Overview:
. Integrates Capital Work from Urban Framework Plan
. Ties into Funding from RDA and Housing Corporation
. Provides Clear Link to Cultural Plan, Sports and Public Arts Projectsv . Facilitates Quality Design and Resident Involvement
. Provides Training and jobs for Local People
. Links with School Curriculum
. Housing Additionality (such as high energy efficiency standards), facilitator
. Enhances opportunities for resident management.
Funding: NDC £8m Other £42m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Implement Design Guidance
. Continue Detailed Consultation and Resident Involvement
. Continue Environmental Works Prgramme,linked to Cultural Strategy
. Begin Housing Rehab.
. Start Housing New-Build Programme
Funding: NDC £4.065m Other £14.95m

In the First Year:
. Prepare a Comprehensive Programme for Physical Regeneration, linked to other activities.
. Begin Environmental Works Programme 02
. Continue tenant survey work
. Develop Design Guidance
Funding NDC £285k

Key Activity Area 7: Local Management of Services
The Pembroke Street Estate Management Board in Devonport has already demonstrated the degree of improvements which can be made to the quality of life and to local management arrangements when investment in housing is coupled with new approaches to management and when local people are given the opportunity to choose and run their own management arrangements.

Our programme will seek to build on this experience, to explore neighbourhood management options that increase local accountability, ownership and control,improve service delivery and provide opportunities for employment. The proposed arrangements must ultimately be deliverable and sustainable and lead to improvements in service for local people. Working closely with Plymouth City Council Housing Department, Housing Associations and local residents, the Partnership will explore, identify and plan appropriate strategies.

Key Activity Area: 7 - Local Management of Services

Key Outcomes: KO2, K04, KOB, K09, K010
Supporting Outcomes: SO3, S04, S05, SOB

10 Year Overview:
. New Approaches to Neighbourhood Management Explored
. Options Chosen
. Increased Local Accountability
. Increased efficiency of service delivery
Funding NDC £1 m Other £4m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Develop One Stop Shop Approach
. Work through Service Reviews
. RollOut Service Watch
. RollOut Friends of Parks Group
Funding NDC £158k Other £423k

In the First Year:
. Set Up Service Watch
. Set Up Friends of Parks Group
. Continue GIS Mapping of Ownership, Control and Maintenance and Caretaking Arrangements
Funding NDC £34k

Theme 3: Creating a Healthy and Safe Environment

Key Activity Area 8: Promoting healthy lifestyles
While health service provision is considered in the main to be good, lifestyles and the health record of the community are poor. This raises questions about both access to available services, the penetration of health advice to local people and the resources available to help people follow that advice. Our programme will work closely with the Primary Care Group and we hope that the development of a Healthy Living Centre will ensure that support services designed and delivered in partnership with the local community will have an ongoing impact on the health of our people. Specific attention will be paid to health education on the use of drugs, as the area is perceived by both the Police and local residents alike to have a drug problem. The promotion of sport and recreation as a contributor both to lifestyle changes and to the broadening of horizons will also be promoted and supported through additional local provision and working closely with city-wide providers.

Key Activity Area 8 - Healthier Lifestyles

Key Outcomes KO1, KO2, KO5, KO6,KO7, KO8, KO9, KO10
Supporting Outcomes: SO1, SO2, SO5, SO9, SO10, SO11

10 Year Overview:
. Healthy Living Centre Development
. Sport, Recreation & Leisure Development
. Substance Misuse Support Services
. Play Strategy and Enhancements
. Encouraging and Supporting Self-Help
Funding: NDC £4.8m Other £7.3m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Develop Play Strategy from Y2
. Community Park Development
. Begin Healthy Living Centre Creation
. Fruit at Breaktime Programme
. Pregnancy Prevention
. Smoking Reduction Programme
. Anti Drugs Strategy
. Move It -Exercise Programme

In the First Year:
. Homesafe Project for vulnerable groups including elderly and single parent families (Linked to Making Devonport Safer - K10)
. Carry Out Health Impact Assessment
Funding NDC £16k

Key Activity Area 9: Widening Horizons

An intrinsic part of healthy living is the confidence that a community as a whole and individuals and families have to look forward and outwards to new horizons. It is crucial that regeneration engages this broader agenda of opportunity and cultural change. By developing a cultural strategy the programme can support events and activities that give pride in their local area, raise aspirations and in some cases associate regeneration activity with fun as opposed to exclusively economic and social problems. The programme will work closely with the community to develop a locally owned strategy and we see this element of our programme as a key part of engaging local people. Experience in the area has already shown that sports, the arts and heritage activities of all kinds can be extremely successful in involving local people - because they are in themselves enjoyable. Our cultural strategy will be, therefore, a key component of the delivery of our programme.

Key Activity Area: 9 - Widening Horizons

Key Outcomes: KO4, KO5, KO7, KO8, KO9, KO10
Supporting Outcomes: SO2, SO3, SO4, SO5

10 Year Overview:
. Develops the Cultural Strategy
. Links to Devonport's Heritage
. Builds on Redevelopment of Brickfields Sports Grounds
. Community Aspirations Programme
. Celebrates Cultural Diversity
Funding NDC £5m Other £26m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Naval Museum Development begins
. Library and Community Museum Supported Year 3
. Participative Arts Programme
. Renaissance of Devonport Carnival
Funding NDC £2.053m Other £6.5m

In the First Year:
. Arts Workshops/Taster Sessions
. Marlborough Street Christmas Lights
. Community Arts Space Programe Begins
Funding NDC £53k

Key Activity Area 10: Making Devonport Safer

Tackling crime requires both short and long-term solutions. In the short term it is important to address both the fear of crime and the actuality of crime and we believe it important that crimes against the person are given priority over crimes against property. We feel it is important to improve visible signs of crime prevention and intend to do so by supporting additional police on the beat, the extended use of CCTV, improved design and better security measures. Increased targeting of crimes related to drugs, domestic violence, racial harassment and intimidation, "hate" crime, criminal damage and theft will, we hope, see offending rates reduced. Long-term the programme will seek to ensure that crime is minimised through designing in a safer environment, encouraging local people to take an active interest in managing that environment and ensuring that offending groups, or groups at risk of offending, are engaged in ways outside of the policing arena. The existing close working arrangements with the local Police Force will be built upon to plan and deliver this approach. We have chosen this approach as opposed to pursuing the idea of Neighbourhood Wardens as we believe that the level and types of crime currently occurring within Devonport require it. Importantly, additional locally based police, readily accessible to local people, is something Devonport residents have identified as a priority.

Key Activity Area 10 - Making Devonport Safer

Key Outcomes KO3, KO5, KO9
Supporting Outcomes: -

10 Year Overview:
. Reduction in Crime and Fear of Crime
. More responsive neighbourhood Policing
. Clearer Links to Education and Youth Work
. Creating More Confidence in Reporting Crime
. Links to Sport and Youth Activities to Reduce Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour
. Rewards and Incentives for Good Behaviour
Funding: NDC £6.5m Other £7m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Professional Witness Scheme begins Y2
. Development of Domestic Violence Projects
. Enhancing CCTV Programme
. Accident Prevention Project
Funding: NDC £1.30gm Other £2m

In the First Year:
. Homesafe- Project for vulnerable groups including elderly and single parent families & victims of crime
. Bobbies on the Beat -More Police on the Streets
. Trevi Drugs Diversion via Sport
Funding NDC £154k

Theme 4: Community Involvement -A New Deal

Key Activity Areas 11-13: Engaging People for Purpose, Building Capacity and Providing Support Networks
The role of the community is central to our strategy and to the sustainability of the regeneration of our neighbourhood. To achieve our objective of developing a confident community able to help itself, take responsibility for local development and be able to hold service providers to account, we believe that it is necessary to establish a planned programme of local development. The programme will put in place structures within which the community can work and develop capacity to enable them to carry out the roles required to ensure our programme succeeds. Building capacity will involve directed training as well as more informal development and practical experience. Our aim will be to create a pool of informed and capable residents able and willing to participate within the community. It will also establish a variety of means of achieving both "community wide" and "issue specific" consultation which can support the regeneration process.

Particular attention will be paid to the needs and development of young people and their ability to influence decisions which directly affect them. The creation of a Youth Forum as part of the delivery structure will establish a formal mechanism for consultation with young people. A Forum for minority interests has been created during Phase 2 and will be assisted throughout the duration of the programme. The Forum will be used to fully involve people from minority groups in developmental work, to monitor inclusiveness and the impact of NDC activities on minorities (e.g., through regular surveys) and elected representatives from the Forum will sit on the Shadow Board. We have as part of our Phase 2 work sought external advice on adopting ways of working that specifically embrace black and ethnic interests. Related activities to be undertaken within Year 1 include an audit of policies and working practices to see whether institutionally racist policies and working practices have been adopted unintentionally, to put in place an Equal Opportunities Policy and an Action Plan.

The partnership also believes that it is vitally important to engage fully with the business community. The role they can play within the long-term regeneration of Devonport is vital and whilst links have been forged during the Phase 2 process we recognise the need to widen involvement and seek greater partnerships with local employers. We intend to develop a Business Forum during the first 2 years.

Key Activity Area: 11-13 - Engaging People for Purpose, Building Capacity and Providing Support Networks

Key Outcomes: KO4, KOl, KO8, KO9, KO10
Supporting Outcomes: SO3

10 Year Overview:
. Development and Support for Community Forum
. Minority Forum Support and Development
. Capacity Building Programmes
. Support Infrastructure -Community Chest, Community Transport
. Mentoring and Shadowing
Funding NDC £4.5m Other £4.5m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Community Forum Arrangements Constituted and Operating Effectively
. Minority Forum Support and Development
. Continuation of Y1 Programmes
Funding NDC £2.024m Other £1.94m

In the First Year:
. Minority Caseworker
. Community Forum Start-Up
. Board and Community Training Programmes
. Continued Funding for Community Transport Ouick-Win
. Community Chest Begins 03
. Christmas Hampers for Vulnerable & Excluded
Funding NDC £84k

Theme 5: Promoting Devonport's Young People - the key to the Future

Key Activity Area 14: Engaging Devonport's Young People
For the NDC initiative to be sustainable the positive involvement of young people is vital. Areas such as democracy, via a Youth Forum, involvement in the regeneration process via schools and clubs and the responsibility that comes as young people become genuine stakeholders in the process will be important factors. The range and variety of services provided to young people, in and out of education, has lead to a fragmentation of service delivery and a mix of competing strategies and resources. To enable existing and new resources to have the greatest impact we propose to establish a means of co-ordinating the planning and delivery of services across the area, and identifying areas in need of greater support and resources. Our programme will work closely alongside the youth and education services as well as voluntary sector agencies already active in the area and, impor1antly, closely with the local community.

Key Activity Area 14 - Engaging Devonport's Young People

Key Outcomes KO4, KO5, KO8, KO9, KO10
Supporting Outcomes: SO2, SO3

10 Year Overview:
. Constitute Youth Forum
. Co-Ordinate Youth Work and Link to Education and Police
. Develop and Implement Youth Strategy
Funding: NDC £1 m Other £1 m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Begin Youth Strategy Work Year 2
. Develop and Support Youth
Funding: NDC £454k Other £440k

In the First Year:
. Youthwork Co-Ordinator
Funding NDC £14k

Key Activity Area 15: Raising Aspirations
As young people are so important to the future of Devonport it is particularly important to begin working, at an early stage, to raise personal aspirations and widen horizons. To do this will require innovative ways of working with young people, to provide them with incentives and establish a culture of reward for development, engagement and the achievement of personal goals. Our programme will, we hope, encourage young people to take a fresh look at themselves and at their community, through forging linkages with young people from communities elsewhere in the UK, the EU and potentially beyond. The raising of aspirations and the widening of horizons will sit alongside the practical measures described in the other themes and will add positive value to them. We believe, however, that for our programme to be ultimately sustainable we need to ensure that our young people, our "adults in the making", aspire to something different for their own futures.

Key Activity Area: 15 -Raising Aspirations

Key Outcomes: KO2, KO8, KO9, KO10
Supporting Outcomes: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO5

10 Year Overview:
. Linking with Widening Horizons (KM 7)
. Developing Personal Development Programmes for Young People
. Providing Rewards and Incentives
Funding NDC £1 m Other £1 m

3 Year Look Forward:
. Develop Raising Aspirations Programme (RAP)
. Link to Child Development Strategy
Funding NDC £461 k Other £440k

In the First Year:
. Enhanced School Holiday Activities
. Parkside Project -Linking Regeneration to the School Curriculum
. Develop Long-term Raising Aspirations Programme (RAP)
Funding NDC £21 k

The first three months

Our activity and profile over the first three months of the programme we see as crucial to effective delivery longer term.

We will be judged by local people, in part, on how good a start we make.

We plan to mount a full local publicity campaign as soon as a decision on our Delivery Plan is known, to promote our proposals and to ensure that all local people know what is planned, what the next steps are, and how they can become involved.

We will need to start to recruit additional staff, a process which is already underway. The appointment of a Community Development worker is our first priority and, once this post is filled, we will be seeking to fill a number of 'shadow' posts, posts open exclusively to local people who will be trained in the various aspects of managing, supporting and delivering our programme. The first three months will see a number of project activities starting. A local 'clean up' campaign to remove rubbish and litter and discourage dumping will begin. Local primary schools will see projects underway to encourage family learning, by the provision of a bank of books and games and of a base equipped with new PCs and software, where children and parents will be encouraged to work together.

A full programme of holiday activities for local children is planned over the summer holiday period. Our existing 'Quick Win' intermediate labour market programme will continue and be extended to include more local people. With the employment of a Community Development Worker, our capacity building programme will get underway.

Alongside practical project-related activity there is considerable work needed to set in place structures and mechanisms to ensure that we can deliver the programme both effectively and efficiently. The first three months will see the redefinition of the role of the current focus groups, expansion of the staff support team and the setting in place of appropriate monitoring and evaluation systems. All these activities are designed to form a sound base upon which our programme will be delivered over the coming years.

Chapters ...
1. Forward, Summary; Vision
2. Devonport - Our neighbourhood
3. Devonport - The Present
4. Devonport - The Future
5. Devonport - The Plans
6. The Forward Strategy
7. How the Plan will be Delivered