1864 Directory

Below are a few extracts (A and B only) from the Devonport section of the 1864 Directory of Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport, Stoke, and Morice Town - transcribed from the images generously available on Terry Williams' website Plymouth & South West Devon: a Genealogical Miscellany

Note: in 1864 Devonport, Stoke and Morice Town were all one and the same place - that is, Stoke and Morice Town were suburbs of the town of Devonport.


Aaron Jacob clothes dlr 2 Boot lane
Abrams Jas Grocer 7 Pembroke street
Ackland J. beer ret. 103 Pembroke street
Adams Rd. baker, 104 Monument street
Adams Frederick, . 34 Cannon street
Adams Rev. J. M.A. St. Paul’s parsonage, Morice square
Adams Richard, . 61 Duke street
Adams Wm. baker 7 Cherrygarden street (note 1)
Admiral’s office and residence Port-admiral Sir Chas. Freemantle, K.C.B.

Sec. W.L. Inch;

Flag-lieut. J.V.D. Butler;

Paymaster, F.L. Lory.

Assistant paymasters, S. Waymouth, F.J.P. Shapcote, and A. Smith
Mt. Wise
Aikenhead Misses, ladies’ seminary, 8 Morice square
Allee Wm. Beer ret. 17 Quarry street
Alee Samuel, smith, 8 Prospect row
Alger Edwin G. . 6 Bakers place
Allen Mrs. Jane, Berlin wool repostry 51 Fore street
Allen Miss, milliner and straw bonnet maker 60 Mount street
Allen Jos . 22 Cumberland street
Allen Margaret, beer ret. 72 James street
Allen William, shopkeeper, 53 Monument street
Alloway W. beer retailer and grocer, 5? Pembroke street
Andrews ?? baker 27 Pembroke street
Andrews W. William the Fourth 28 Cornwall street
Andrews W.P. & son? Ironmongers, 26 Catherine street
Angear Mrs. W.H. baker, 2 Chapel street
Angwin E.J eating ho. 21 Catherine street (note 2)
Annis W.J. surgeon, 31 St. Aubyn street
Anstis John, grocer &c. 35 Fore street
Anniss Silas, metropolitan police inspector, 53 George street
Argall Bros shoemaker, 58 Pembroke street
Arthur Wm. tailor and outfitter, 106 Fore street
Arnold and Sons, ironmongers, gas fitters, and general furnishing warehouse, 7 and 8 Fore street
Ash Alex St. Aubyn Spirit House, 38 St Aubyn street, and 55 James street
Ash Thos. Shoemaker, 12 Tavistock street
Atkinson Eliza, . 32 Chapel street
Austin H. shopkeeper, 72 Chapel street
Austin Wm. G. . 42 Monument street
Aunger Edmund, . 9 Morice square
Avent Edmund, beer retlr. 38 Cumberland street
Avery Sampson C. ham and bacon factor. 9 Market street
Axworthy William, . 7 Princess street ope (note 3)
Ayers Jno. baker and confectioner, 10 Cumberland street
Babb John, . 29 St. John street
Bailey T. beer ret. 8 Marlborough street
Baker George, dyer, James street
Baker John, Clarence Inn 13 Catherine street
Baker Richard, . 11 George street
Baker Theophilus, . 15 Ker street
Baker S. cooper 3? Marlborough street
Baker Wm. grocer, 67 Pembroke street
Balkwill S. beer retailer, ?3 James street
Ball George, butcher, 28 Market, r. 1 Barrack street (note 4)
Ball John, . 10 Mount street
Ball S. . 57 Mount street
Baptist Sunday School . Morice street
Bardick E. . 8 Princess street ope (note 3)
Barnes Grace, . 5 Ker street
Barnes John R. Globe Inn North Corner beach
Baron Josiah, china merchant, 85 Fore street. 3 Tavistock street and 1 Devonshire terrace, Plymouth
Barron J. tobacconist, 36 Fore street
Barrett David, . 14 Princess ope (note 3)
Barrett Joseph, . 41 Marlborough street
Barrett Mrs. E. haber. 103 Fore street
Barrett John, . 99 Pembroke street
Bartlett Wm. J. tallow chandler, 19 Cornwall street
Bartlett W. E. . 2 Ker street
Bartlett Charles, . 63 Duke street
Bastion John, painter, 23 Chapel street
Baser Robt. confectnr. 16 Cornwall Street
Bate Thomas, baker, 25 Market street
Bate William, tailor 13 Chapel street
Bateman Wm. H. R.N. assistant actuary Royal Naval Annuitant Society .
Baton John, dairyman, 2 Pembroke street
Batten & Adams, army and navy outfitters, 44 Fore street
Bayly John, . 36 St. Aubyn street
Bayly Thomas, . 19 Chapel street
Bazley C. G. grocer, 18 Tavistock street
Bazley S. Castle & Keys Inn 15 Prospect street
Bazley Wm. surgeon, 5 St. Aubyn street
Beare Peter, . 5 Duke street
Beard John, grocer, 22 Pembroke street
Beeching Mrs. C. . 50 Mount street
Beedle George . 2 Cameron street
Beer Andrew, grocer, 19 Pembroke street
Beer Richard, . 19 Francis alley
Beer N. . 58 Mount street
Beer James, . 16 Ker street
Beer George, Bristol Spirit Vaults, 51 Pembroke street
Beer John, . Ordnance street
Beer John, George Inn, 13 Pembroke street
Beer John, butcher, 1 Market, r. 26 St. John street (note 4)
Beer & Rundle solicitors, 53 Chapel street, agents to the Alliance Insurance Company


    1. Although written in the directory as Cherrygarden street, it was Cherry Garden street (later known as York Street)
      2. When spoken, the last syllable of the street name 'Catherine' rhymed not with 'Lyn' but with 'line'. (This street absorbed into the dockyard c1957)
        3. The names Princess Street and Princess Ope were mistakenly written so at several points during the 19th century. The original, and still used to this day in Devonport, is the correct spelling of Princes.
          4. The letter r stands for 'rear of'
            5. Where letters were unreadable a question mark has been inserted in the above table.

            this page added 25 May 2009